Contents BENEFITS OF BOX JUMPS HOW TO PERFORM BOX JUMPS ? BENEFITS OF BOX JUMPS The benefits of this bodyweight exercise cover everything from fat burning to explosive power: STRENGTH Sure, squats, lunges, and the usual leg day exercises will increase strength, but box jumps are also an effective strength booster. Unlike weightlifting exercises, box jumps require you to move all of your bodyweight from the ground to an elevated surface. This takes a lot of strength to pull off, which is why many beginners start with jump squats then add in the box later. 토토 Coupled with your favorite leg day workout, box jumps can dramatically increase the weight you’re using and the results you see. EXPLOSIVE POWER Although it seems redundant, there’s an important difference between strength and explosive power. Strength would refer to the physical ability of your body to move some form of resistance safely and efficiently. Explosive power, on the other hand, is how much force your bo...